The 6th Chakra

6th chakra


The sixth chakra, known as the "Ajna" in Sanskrit, is located directly behind the third eye. The third eye is an extension of this chakra and rules the psychic sight. This chakra is the psychic seat of the soul. When the pineal gland within is activated, it will often light up brilliantly, flooding the head with white light, bringing an intense state of extreme bliss along with it. When the pineal is activated, it swells, and there is a feeling of pressure about the size of a grape. The sixth chakra rules over the eyes, both the physical and astral vision, and the pineal gland. It is violet-blue/indigo in color, and its element is the ether. Its metal is silver, and its planet is the Moon. This chakra is where the ida and pingala meet. It contains the all-important pineal gland and is the psychic seat of the soul. In some workings, energy is directed up the spine to the sixth chakra and projected out the third eye, as seen in many Egyptian hieroglyphs.