Advanced Consecration of Ritual Tools & Other Material Props

Material items [props] have no real power of their own. In truth, the use of props is basically symbolic and an allegory for the powers of the soul. Material props can be empowered with energies, though, making their use effective. Certain items through being used repeatedly in rituals and workings, accumulate powers of their own. Crystals and diamonds, because of their chemical composition, tend to have an affinity for storing certain energies. There is nothing "supernatural" here, as crystals are used as radio transmitters. The same can be said for different kinds of stones and gems. The more inclined the inner structure is to store energy, the better the item/s for being used in rituals. Of course, one does not need to engage in a ceremonial ritual to empower any material item/s. Only focus and the powers of the mind and soul are needed.

Follow the steps for the basic empowering ritual. Invoking the blue light energy is optional. White-gold light has the most power.

To empower an athame, one should invoke the element of air* and/or vibrate the Sanskrit word of power for Air, which is "Vāyu"and is vibrated: VV-VV-AH-AH-U-U-U. While invoking the element is air is optional, it is necessary to vibrate, with focus, the Sanskrit word of power for the element of air into your athame. Vibrate this word of power 108 times into your athame, while stroking the athame. You can use scented oil to lightly lubricate the athame, making stroking easier, if you desire. Perform this working when the moon is in the air sign of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, preferably in the waxing or full phase. The moon should not be void of course. In contrast to the consecrating ritual for new and inexperienced people, the use of a magnet is optional and not necessary.

To empower a wand, invoke the element of fire* and/or vibrate the Sanskrit word of power for fire, which is Tejas and should be vibrated: TH-TH-AY-AY-YY-YY-AH-AH-U-U-U-S-S-S. Vibrate this word of power 108 times into your wand, while stroking the wand. You can use scented oil, same as is optional with the athame. The wand/rod is symbolic of spine that contains the fiery kundalini serpent of Satan. The "A-U" vibration is the foundation of most words of power. Perform this working when the moon is in the fire sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, preferably in the waxing or full phase. The moon should not be void of course.

To empower a chalice, invoke the element of water* and/or vibrate the Sanskrit word of power for water, which is Jalam and should be vibrated YY-YY-AH-AH-LL-LL-AH-AH-U-U-U-M-M-M. Vibrate this word of power into your chalice 108 times. Perform this working when the moon is in the water sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, preferably in the waxing or full phase. The moon should not be void of course. The chalice is symbolic of the chakras, which have been referred to as "chalices" or "cups" in spiritual teachings.

To empower a pentagram, invoke the element of earth* and/or vibrate Prithivi, the Sanskrit word for earth into your pentagram 108 times. PPP-RRR-EEE-TH-TH-TH-EE-EE-VV-VV-EE-EE. Be sure to roll your R's, if you are able to. Perform this working when the moon is in the earth sign of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, preferably in the waxing or full phase. The moon should not be void of course. The pentagram is symbolic of the human soul, which contains the five elements.

The "A-U" vibration is the foundation of most words of power.

Note: *See Invoking the Elements