About Our Afterlife: Zevists

As a Zevist, one becomes an Initiate of the Gods. The domains of the afterlife have been discussed by many ancient religions of the Gods, including the Egyptian Duat. It’s important for the Initiate to understand that the soul has a valid and continuous existence—and therefore, one’s life continues through reincarnations. Many of us know this experientially, and many people can affirm that they have existed “before.” This is because the soul exists and continues through successive lifetimes.

We Zevists do two things that are integral to the soul: we abide by the understanding of cosmic order, but our foremost priority is the evolution of the soul through meditation. When the soul evolves sufficiently, one ascends the ladder of knowledge and consciousness until they reach the Godhead—at which point they are treated as beloved students by the Gods for having embarked on this sacred path, unlike the average andrapods who remain indifferent or even hostile to spiritual development.

Andrapod: A person either uninterested in, or actively opposed to, any form of spiritual development. Such individuals remain stuck at a lower level of consciousness. Our purpose as Zevists is to navigate our existence among such people, while also gently guiding those who are open and receptive toward escaping this trapped state of being.

We must understand two simultaneous realities as followers and Initiates of the Gods.

On one hand, the Gods protect their initiates, and, as one advances, they accept and love them. This love is the most profound love in existence, always benevolent and full of goodwill. The Gods guide us in life so that we may evolve, be empowered, and truly exist. Your Guardian Daemon is responsible for helping you navigate this path, showing you how to grow in all areas of both material and spiritual life.

The Gods teach both good and evil, but all of these powers are grounded in the principle of Justice. Moreover, we are granted full freedom to embark on our journey through life. We uphold all natural laws and are instructed to navigate life with wisdom and power.

On the other hand, since a Zevist becomes an enlightened person over time, the love and support of the Gods naturally expands into a sense of responsibility. While there are no rigid prohibitions, the Gods do expect us to live good, honorable lives. This does not imply pacifism—in fact, pacifism can even offend the Gods in situations where major breaches of cosmic justice demand action.

The Initiate is expected to form a deep bond with their Guardian Daemon and the Gods so that they are guided not only toward earthly success, health, and joy, but also toward abundance of spiritual knowledge and understanding. Through this process, one’s character and soul gradually evolve. A Zevist must live life to the fullest—not retreat from it, but face it with courage and Bravery.

Finally, there exists a rare category of people who engage in extreme evil or corruption. It is nearly impossible for such individuals to become true Zevists—there are many ruinous paths they would rather pursue instead. However, in the rare case that such offenses (e.g., betrayal, extreme violence, or malicious acts) occur within the path, the burden of rectification will rest on the person. The Gods forbid such actions against fellow Zevists, unless they are warranted.

Understanding these concepts is a long process in the formation of the soul and the mind. Maturity and spiritual evolution occur in stages, and the Gods are patient as we walk this path—or even when we stumble. Yet, as followers and Initiates of the Gods, we are expected to live differently. When one knows the truth and possesses this knowledge, they must use it wisely—not behave recklessly like an Andrapod toward other beings or fellow Initiates of the Gods.