Names of Demons
He is under the rule of Hael and Sergulath. He can transport anything throughout the world.
Kabbalistic Demon of Mars. He has the power to raise storms.
Bartzabel has black wings. He is bald with a small black haired ponytail and he is a little chubby. He seems to be a very dark
Demon, except for his brilliant white aura. He isn't illuminated but there is a white aura around him. When he departed, he
walked right through the wall. He is very wise and appears to be very very old.
Bechard has power over winds and storms, lightening, rain, hail. Friday is his day of power.
Bechard is under the power of the Duke "Syrach." Bechard rules over Fridays.
He is ruled by Hael and Sergulath. He makes one beloved.
Bucon is under the power of Hael and Sergulath. He has the power to incite hatred and jealousy between the sexes.
He was a Prince of the Order of Powers. He bestows confidence, boldness and strength.
He was a Prince of the Order of Powers. He gives one control over emotions and bestows strength.
Clauneck has power over goods, money and finances. He can discover hidden treasures and
bestow great wealth. He is much loved by Lucifer. He brings money from a distance. He is obedient to those who treat him with
respect. Clauneck is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
She can make day into night and night into day. She is under the power of the Duke
She has a green complexion and a large bulbous head like Lucifius Focalor (also known as Isimu, Usmu) and
Valefor. She is friendly. -High Priestess Maxine
Elelogap is ruled over by Agaliarept and Tarihimal. He has power over the element of Water.
Frimost has power over women and brings the enjoyment of them to the men who summon him. He
is under the power of the Duke "Syrach." He rules over Tuesdays.
He brings the dead to life. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
He rules over parties and festivals He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Gressil was the third of the Order of Thrones. He encourages one to comfort, luxery and indulgence.
Guland can cause all varieties of disease. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Hael is under the rule of Nebiros. He instructs in the wrting of all kinds of letters; speaking. He gives the immediate power to speak in other languages and explains the most secret things.
He is ruled over by Hael and Sergulath. He gives the abilty to pass through fire without getting burned.
Heramael is under the rule of Satanachia. He teaches the art of medicine and gives knowledge of all diseases, with their full and total cure. He is an expert on botany, the healing powers of plants and the places and manner in which to gather them. He is ruled over by Satanachia.
He can bring people to the summoner who are at a distance. He is under the power of the
Duke "Syrach."
He has power over sleep and wakefulness; insomnia. He is under the power of the Duke
Humots can transport all mannner of books for the summoner's pleasure. He is under the power
of the Duke "Syrach."
Klepoth brings dreams and visions of all kinds. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Khil can cause great Earthquakes. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Mersilde can transport one through astral projection. He is under the power of the Duke
Minoson is under the rule of Hael and Sergulath. He insures winning in all games.
He can make anything invisible. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Musisin has ower over great lords and government officials. He can instruct them. Musisin is
under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
He was a Prince of the Order of Dominions. He has power over money and wealth.
Olivier was a Prince of the Archangels. He has power over wealth and money.
Pazuzu has long been known as a protector Demon, especially of women in childbirth. Pazuzu gained fame with the movie "The Exorcist" where he was portrayed as the possessing Demon.
Leroy Anderson relates his experience with Pazuzu:
I contacted Pazuzu about 1 week ago, just mentally. I kept calling him
and in a little while I could feel him. He's a very, very poweful and positive Demon. I asked him for a favor which he did in
just 24 hours and has promised to help me with other things. He loves poetry and feels very strongly about serving Father. He
inspires poets and loves being remembered. If you're friends with him he'll protect you and give you insights about what your
enemies are doing. He's really really good company. I too felt drawn to him ever since I saw the movie, "The Exorcist." I just
knew deep inside that he's not nasty as the movie shows him, and I was right. Right now he wants me to write a poem about him.
He's a good friend. May Lord Satan Bless him.
He is under the rule of Sergulath and Hael. He renders invisibility and the love of those in power.
Proculo is ruled by Hael and Sergulath. He has rulership over sleep and dreams.
Rosier was second in the Order of Dominions. He bestows the gift of romantic and fanciful speech in love. He incites love between the sexes and brings about romance.
Sirchade has powers over animals. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Segal causes all manner of prodigies, both natural and supernatural. He is under the power of
the Duke "Syrach."
Sergulath is under the power of Nebiros. He teaches the art of speculation, tactics and the breaking of hostile ranks.
Serguthy is ruled over by Satanachia. He has power over women.
He is under the power of Sergulath and Hael. He makes women dance naked.
He was fourth in the Order of Thrones. He bestows one with courage and confidence.
Surgat can open any and all locks. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."
Sustugriel is ruled over by Satanachia. He teaches magick, and brings famliars for all desires.
Trimasel teaches all chemistry and sleight of hand. He knows all the secrets of Alchemy. He is under the power of Satanachia
Verrier gives confidence, strength and courage. He was of the Order of Principalities where he held the position of Prince.
Verrine motivates one to action. He was of the Order of the Thrones.