Gods N - R
Naberius is also known as "NEBIROS" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell
- Zodiac Position: 20-29 degrees of Cancer
- July 18th-22nd
- Tarot Card: 4 of Cups
- Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
- Metal: Tin/Neptunium
- Element: Water
- Candle color: Red
- Plant: Ash
- Rank: Marquis
- Naberius is a Day Demon and rules 19 legions of spirits
Naberius teaches arts, sciences, logic, rhetoric, and helps one regain lost honors and standing. He also helps in returning lost possessions.
Orias is also known as the Egyptian God "OSIRIS" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell
- Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Capricorn
- January 11th-15th
- Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles
- Planet: Mercury
- Metal: Mercury
- Candle color: White
- Plant: Sealwort
- Element: Earth
- Rank: Marquis
- Oriax is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
Oriax can cause one's enemies to bestow good-will and can change one into any shape. He helps in gaining respect and in securing positions of high esteem. He teaches about the stars and planets.
- Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Capricorn
- December 22nd-26th
- Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
- Planet: Saturn
- Metal: Lead
- Plant: Broom
- Candle color: Orange
- Element: Earth
- Rank: Prince
- Orobas is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits
Orobas answers questions and gives one power and control over others. He protects one from the persecution of evil spirits and also from one's
enemies. He will put a stop to slander and gossip. He can foretell the future, and discern the past and present. Orobas is the Patron of
Orobas appeared to me with a black stallion bucking up with lightening. He appears both as a small unusual looking dark-haired man or a
boy with medium blonde ring curls.
- Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Capricorn
- January 1st-5th
- Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles
- Planet: Venus
- Metal: Copper
- Plant: Horsetail
- Candle color: Green
- Element: Earth
- Rank: President
- Ose is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
Ose teaches the liberal sciences and is able to change one into any form. He can bring delusions and insanity to others. He also answers questions.
- Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Taurus
- April 30th-May 4th
- Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
- Planet: Mercury
- Metal: Mercury
- Element: Earth
- Plant: Bindweed
- Candle color: Black and Dark blue
- Rank: King
- Paimon is a Day Demon and rules 200 legions of spirits. Some were of the Order of Angels and the others of the Order of Potentates. He is a Great King and very obedient unto Lucifer.
Paimon gives the power to influence and control others and teaches the arts and sciences. He provides good familiars and gives one position and
honor. He can reveal anything about the Earth and one's mind. When he appears, he is attended by other Demons. Paimon is known to make noise.
Someone revealed that their smoke alarm went off, all by itself with no explanation when Paimon appeared after a summoning.
Paimon is not
Azazel, as some writings claim. They are both separate and different individual Demons.
Paimon is full of energy. Loud noises and bright lights tend to make him more active. He is very colorful and very friendly.
- Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Libra
- September 23rd-27th
- Tarot Card: 2 of Swords
- Planet: Venus
- Metal: Copper
- Element: Air
- Plant: Rose
- Candle color: Pink
- Rank: Marquis
- Phenex is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits
His specialty is poetry and writing of letters. He teaches all of the sciences and answers questions. Phoenix has black feathery wings. Phenex appears as a bird with black feathers that fall out as he flies. His tail has red-orange and yellow feathers that are very long and straight. He is accompanied by an attendant Demon who appears as an eagle.
- Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Cancer
- June 27th-July 1st
- Tarot Card: 2 of Cups
- Planet: Moon
- Metal: Silver
- Plant: Orchid
- Candle color: Purple
- Element: Water
- Rank: King
- Purson/Horus is a Day Demon and rules 22 legions of spirits. He was partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of Thrones
Purson [pronounced "person"] discovers hidden things and treasures, and discerns the past, present and future. He can read and reveal the
thoughts of others and provide good familiars. He answers all questions.
He is very fair and very youthful looking. He resembles Amon Ra, only he has softer features. He is attended by several other Demons. He
is highly respected among the Demons and very high-ranking. He lit up my entire room with his energy when he appeared to me.
RAUM is the Egyptian God "KHNUM" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell
- Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Libra
- October 8th-12th
- Tarot Card: 3 of Sword
- Planet: Saturn
- Metal: Lead
- Element: Air
- Plant: Thistle
- Candle color: Black
- Rank: Earl
- Raum is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
- Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Leo
- August 2nd-7th
- Tarot Card: 6 of Rods
- Planet: Jupiter
- Metal: Tin
- Plant: Cinnamon
- Candle color: Purple
- Element: Fire
- Rank: Marquis/Earl
- Ronove is a Day Demon and rules 19 legions of spirits
Ronove teaches languages. He humbles enemies and teaches art and rhetoric. He also provides servants.
Ronove has brilliant shoulder-length golden hair that shines and glitters, with a brilliant aura. He has markings on his face
like a tribal warrior. He has a very small wingspan. He can move objects in a room and is very talkative and friendly. He sometimes goes by
the name "Ben." He is a Demon of fire and specializes in pyrokinesis. He gives off a lot of energy and also specializes in languages.