Eleventh Key

The Eleventh Key in English

The mighty seat groaned aloud
And there were seven thunders
And the eagle spake
And cried with a loud voice:
Come away from the house of death!
And they gathered themselves together
And became those of whom it is measured;
The everlasting ones,
Who ride the whirlwinds.
Come Away! For I have prepared
A place for you.
Move therefore and show yourselves!
Open the mysteries of your Creation!
Be friendly unto me!
For I am the servant of the same!
The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer
In glory and power exalted
Of the Kingdom of the South

The Eleventh Key in Enochian

Oxiayal holdo od zirom
Q coraxo od vabzir camliax
Od bahal: Niiso salman teloch!
Od par aldon od noan
Casarman holq;
Gohed saga do zildar zong.
Niiso! Bagle abramg pi noncp.
Zacare ca od zamran!
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge!
Zir noco! Hoath Satan
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage

Eleventh Key Enochian Pronunciation

ohk-see-AH-ee-ahl   '   HOH-luh-doh
OHD   '   ZEE-rohm   '   KUH
koh-RAHK-soh   '   OHD
VAH-buh-zee-ruh   '   kah-muh-LEE-ahks
OHD   '   bah-HAHL:   '   nee-EESS-oh
ZAH-luh-mahn   '   tay-LOH-kuh!
OHD   '   PAH-ruh   '   AH-luh-dohn
OHD   '   NOH-ahn   '   kuh-SAH-ruh-mahn
HOH-luh-kuh;   '   GOH-hud   '   ZAH-gah,
DOH   '   ZEE-luh-dahr   '   ZOHNJZH.
nee-EESS-oh!   '   BAH-guh-lay
ah-buh-RAH-muhjzh   '   PEE
NAH-nuh-kuh-puh.   '   zah-KAH-ray
KAH   '   OHD   '   ZAH-muh-rahn!
OH-doh   '   KEE-kuh-lay   '   KAH-ah!
ZOR-ruh-jzhay!   '   ZEE-ruh   '   NOH-koh!
hoh-AH-tuh-huh   '   SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-fuhd  '   LOH-nuh-suh
LOH-nuh-doh   '   bah-BAH-jzhay