English - Enochian Q - S
qualities= aspian
quality= aspian
raise= farzm, goholor
range= dsonf
reasonable= cordziz
reasonable creature= cordziz
receivers= ednas
regret= moooah
reign= bogpa, sonf
rejoice= chirlan
rejoiceth= chirlan
remain= paaox, paaoxt,
remainder= undl
remembrance= papnor
repenteth= moooah
requireth= vnig
rest (to rest)= page
rest (remainder)= undl, vndl
rest not= pageip
rich= las, lasollor
righteous= balit, samvelg
righteousness= baltoh, piamol, baeovib
for my own righteousness= baltoha
the god of righteousness= iadbaltoha
of righteousness= baltoh
to the righteous= samvelg
rise= torsvl
roar= yor, oanio
rock= patralx, lpatralx
rod= cab
rose= torzvlp
rotton= qting
rule= bogpa
run= parm, parmgi
let it run= parmgi
said= gohvlim
saintly= soyga
saith= goho
saith the first= gohel
saith the lord= gohoiad
balye, balie
same= lel
of the same your god= mad
say= gohia, gohvs
I say= gohus
we say= gohia
saying= gohol
he says= gohe, goho
they have said= gohon
scorpion/s= siatris
seal= emetgis
season= capimao, nibm, lnibm
seat= othil, thil, thild, thiln
the seat= emetgis
the mighty seat
(throne)= oxiayal
the seat of mercy= othilrit
seats= thil, othil
in seats= thilnos
of their own seats=
the seats= thil
second= viu
second time (for the)= olaho
and second= taviv
as the second=
the second beginning of things= croodzi
in the second angle= vivdiv
O you the second= viiv
of the
second= viv
secret= laiad, ananael
secrets= laiad
see= uran= odipvran
seething= urelp, vrlep
selves= zamran
show yourselves= zamran
separate (to divide)= tliob
servant= noco, noquod, noquodi, noquol
servants= cnoqod
O you servants of mercy= cnoqvol
serve= aboapri
let her serve them= booapis
them serve you= aboapri
set (to set)= othil
settle= alar
settled= alar
shall= trian
shall be= trian
shall rise= torzvl
and shall be= chiso
and shall not see= odipvran
shalt= bliorax
sharp= tapvin
she= pi, pii
her, of her= tilb, tlb, tiobl
shelter= blans
shew= zamran
shine= loholo
show= odzamran
show oneself= zamran
show yourselves= zamran
shrine= arba
sickle= puim
sickles= tapvin
sin (to sin)= doalim
sing= zamran
sing praises= oecrimi
singing= oecrimi
sit= trint
sitteth= idoigo
six= norz
skirt= unalab
skirts= vnalah
sleep= brgda
sleeve/s= collal, pidiai
slimy things made of dust= apachama
smile= ucim
so that= ar
song= lviahe
son= nor, noromi
sons= noromi
O you sons= noromi
the sons of men= normolap
you sons of pleasure=
sorrow= tibibp
sound= sapah
sounds= sapah
south= babage, babagen
in the south= babage
of the south= babagen
spake= camliax
speak= camliax
speech from god= loagaeth, logaeth, logaah, logah
spirit= gah
spirit of man= congamphlgh
spirits= gah
spoken= gohon
stand= biah
star/s= aoiveae
steward/s= balzarg
sting= grosb
stir= zixlai
stir up= lring, zixlai
stone= orri
(philosopher's)= darr
stooping= abai
strange= vgeg
stranger= gosaa
strength= ugear, umplif
forth= zil
stretch forth and conquer (name of god)= zilodarp
grow strong= ugeg, ugegi
stronger= givi
successively= capimali
such= cors
sulphur= salbrox; dlasod
sun= ror
supreme life (name of god)= iabes
surge= molvi
swear (swore, sworn)= surzas, znurza, zurza
sword= napta, napeai, nazpsad