Occasionally, many of us feel a little psychically thrown off balance or experience some confusion. My own personal experience in having this problem usually comes down to one source, some stupid Christian or group of Christians is praying for me. I remember one time when I was experiencing negative thoughts and the enemy kept invading my head, which I promptly cursed; this Christian woman was bold enough to admit to me that she was praying for me. When I explained that I had signed my soul over in blood to Lucifer and that I was happy, the mild psychic upsets stopped. Usually, if one tunes into this and knows what it is, the offending Christian will be exposed.
Everyone has thought energy, even Christians. I usually experience their prayers as a psychic nuisance or annoyance, an unwelcome invasion. As for the act of the Christian attempting through "prayer," to coerce their offensive and odious beliefs on someone who rejects them, I find this insultingly rude and disrespectful. At any rate, knowing what it is and where it is coming from usually solves the problem.
Thoughts have energy, regardless of where they are coming from. This can vary from person to person, depending on one's intensity and the strength of one's soul. Some people are born with a stronger energy field, regardless of their beliefs. This is one of the reasons the Christian Bible tells followers to "have faith." Many times, with prayer groups or with extreme concentration, Christians can make things happen, and then they believe it was the Nazarene.
So much for the hypocritical Christian teachings of "free will."
This article was written when I was quite new to Satanism. As of 2015, Christians, no matter how hard they may pray for me or try to harass me, have no effect on me whatsoever, as I am now 100% solid in Satan's truth. Their lies have no affect on me anymore or in any way. I know the truth and what they are all about.
-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich