Nineteenth Key

Nineteenth Key in English

O you Demons who dwell upon and are mighty governors of the earth, who execute the judgment Of Satan! To you it is said: Behold the face of Satan, The beginning of comfort, whose eyes are The brightness of the stars; who provided You for the government of the Earth, and her Variety, Furnishing you with a power of Understanding, to dispose all things according To the providence of he who reighneth on the Throne from Hell and rose up in the beginning, Saying: The Earth, let her be governed by her Parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, And as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One Season, let it confound another; and let there be no Creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with Another. The reasonable creatures of the Earth, Let them vex and weed out one another; and the Dwelling places. The works of the followers of Jehova and his pomp, let them be defaced. The buildings of he who sits on the holy throne, Let them become caves for the beasts of the field; Their iniquities shall be known. For why? I regret Their creation. O you sons and daughters of Satan, Arise! Those in the kingdom of heaven, Let them serve you. Govern those that govern; Cast down such as fall; bring forth justice And destroy the rotten. No place let it remain in One number; Add and diminish, until the stars Be numbered. Arise, move! Appear before Satan! He has sworn unto us his justice; Open the Mysteries of your creation, And make us partakers of undefiled truth.

Nineteenth Key in Enochian

Ils daemons ds praf od chis micaolz Artabas de caosgo, ds fifis balzizras De Satan! Nonca gohvlim: Micam adoian de Satan, acroodzi Bliorb, soba ooaona chis luciftias Aoiveae; das abraasa noncf Netaaib caosgi, od tilb damploz, Tooat noncf g micalz oma, lrasd tolglo Marb yarry de tox bogpa oxiayal londoh babage od torzulp acroodzi, gohol: Caosga, tabaord saanir. Elzap tilb, Parm gi qvasahi, od ta qvrlst Booapis Satan. L nimb, ovcho symp; Od christeos ag toltorn mirc q tiobl lel. Ton paombd, dilzmo aspian; od christeos Ag l toltorn parach a symp. Cordziz dodpal od fifalz l smnad; od fargt, a va de fafen de Jehova od avavox, tonvg. Orsca de idigo, Noasmi tabges levithmong; madrid trian oman. Bagle? Moooah qaan. Nore od pasbs De Satan, torzu! Priaz adohi de madriax, Aboapri. Tabaori Priaz ar tabas; Adrpan cors ta dobix; yolcam balit od qvasb Qting. Ripir paaoxt saga cor; vml od prdzar, Cacrg aoiveae cormpt. Torzu, zacar! Zamran aspt Satan! Surzas tia baltan; Odo cicle qaa, od ozazma plapli vooan.

Nineteenth Key Enochian Pronunciation

EE-luh-suh   '   DAY-mohns   '   Dahss
puh-RAHFF   '   OHD   '   kuh-HEES
mee-kah-OH-luhts   '   ah-ruh-TAH-bahss
DAY   '   kah-OHS-suh-goh,   '   DAHSS
FEE-feess   '   bah-luh-ZEE-zuh-rahs
DAY   '   SAY-TAN!   '   NOH-nuh-kah
goh-huh-vuh-LEEM:   '   mee-KAHM
ah-DOH-ee-ahn   '   DAY   '   SAY-TAN,
ah-kuh-ROH-ohd-zee   '   buh-lee-OH-ruhb,
ZOH-bah   '   oh-oh-AH-oh-nah   '   kuh-HEES
loo-SEEF-tee-ahs   '   ah-oh-EE-VEE-ah-ee;
DAHSS   '   ah-buh-RAH-AH-sah
NOH-nuh-kuhf   '   nay-tah-AH-eeb
kah-OHS-sah-jzhee,   '   OHD   '   TEE-luhb
DAH-muh-puh-lohts,   '   toh-OH-aht
NOH-nuh-kuhf   '   GAH   '   mee-KAH-luhts
OH-mah,   '   luh-RAH-zuhd
TOH-luh-guh-loh   '   MAH-ruhb
YAH-ruh-ruh-ee   '   DAY   '   TOHKS
BOH-guh-pah   '   ahks-EE-ah-ee-ahl
LOH-nuh-doh   '   bah-BAH-jzhay   '   OHD
toh-ruh-ZOO-luhp   '   ah-kuh-ROH-ohd-zee,
goh-HOH-luh:   '   kuh-OHS-suh-gah,
tah-bah-OH-ruhd   '   zah-ah-NEE-ruh.
ay-luh-ZAHP   '   TEE-luhb,   '   PAH-ruhm
JZHEE   '   kuh-VAH-sah-hee,   '   OHD
TAH   '   KUH-vuh-ruh-luh-suh-tuh
boh-OH-ah-pees   '   SAY-TAN.
LUH   '   NEE-muhb,   '   OH-vuh-kuh-hoh
ZEE-muhp;   '   OHD
AH-jzh   '  LUH   '  toh-luh-TOH-ruhn
pah-RAH-kuh   '   AH   '   ZEE-muhp.
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee,   '   DOH-duh-pahl
OHD   '   FEE-fah-luhz   '  LUH
suh-muh-NAHD;   '  OHD   '   FAH-ruh-guht,
AH   '   VAH-vuhl   '  DAY   '  FAH-fayn
DAY   '   jah-HOH-vah   '   OHD
ah-VAH-vohks,   '  TOH-nuh-vuhjzh.
DAY   '   EE-dee-goh,
noh-AH-suh-mee   '   tah-buh-JZHAY-suh
mah-duh-REED   '   tah-REE-ahn   '   OH-mahn.
BAH-guh-lay?   '   moh-OH-oh-ah   '   KAH-HAN.
NOH-ray   '   OHD   '   PAHSS-uh-buhs
DAY   '   SAY-TAN,   '   TOH-ruht-soo!
puh-REE-ahts   '   ah-DOH-hee   '   DAY
mah-duh-REE-ahks,   '   ah-boh-AH-puh-ree.
tah-bah-OH-ree   '   puh-REE-ahts   '   AH-ruh
tah-BAHSS;   '   ah-duh-ruh-PAHN   '   KOH-ruhz
TAH   '   DOH-beeks;   '   ee-OH-luh-kahm
bah-LEET   '   OHD   '   kuh-VAH-suhb
kuh-TEE-nujzh.   '   REE-pee-ruh
pah-AH-ohks-tuh   '   ZAH-gah
KOH-ruh;   '   vuh-MAHL   '   OHD
puh-ruh-duh-ZAH-ruh,   '   KAH-kuh-rahjzh
ah-oh-EE-VEE-ah-ee   '   KOH-ruh-muhp.
TOH-ruht-soo,   '   ZAH-kahr!   '   ZAH-mah-rahn
AH-suh-puht   '   SAY-TAN!   '   ZOO-ruh-jzhahs
TEE-ah   '   BAH-luh-tahn;   '   OH-doh
KEE-kah-lay   '   KAH-AH-AH,   '   OHD
oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah   '   puh-LAH-puh-lee

*There are no known words in Enochian for "Hell."
Satan's Kingdom IS in the South.