The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons
First Hierarchy:
- Seraphim
- Cherubim
- Thrones
Second Hierarchy:
- Dominions
- Principalities
- Powers
Third Hierarchy:
- Virtues
- Archangels
- Angels
Nobility Rankings of Hell:
- Prince
- King
- Marquis
- Duke
- Earl
- President
The Crown Princes of Hell appear to be the most high ranking; above the Kings. As for the military titles of Zeus's Army, these are the same as for the human military. Their rank has to do with their spiritual powers. Always remember, Demons show us how we can help ourselves and advance spiritually.
Demons who belonged to certain orders often specialize in certain abilities and powers. In my own experiences, I have found our Personal/Guardian Demons are the ones we go to for nearly all of our needs, even those outside of their offices. Sometimes, our Guardian Demons will seek assistance from other Demons for us. Also, if we work hard for and are dedicated to Satan, Demons can come to us on their own, offering their help in times of trouble. This has happened to me.
Here is some info on the hierarchies and powers:
- The Order of The Powers, also known as The Seraphim; Flaming Ones, specialize in revenge/justice issues and the defeating of one's enemies, the teaching of astrology, the healing arts and divination. They specialize in guarding things and in defense, both here and on the astral. They are of the element of fire.
- The Order of The Cherubim specializes in foretelling the past, present and future. They can assist one in astral projection, accessing past lives and looking into the future. They have knowledge and rulership over the fixed stars.
- The Order of The Thrones also known as 'Ophanim' specialize in the rulership of the planets and in issues of justice and revenge. They are helpful in the practice and powers of black magick.
- The Order of Dominions/Dominations, also known as 'The Brilliant Ones' help us to access the power of Satan within us. They help us to realize our true potential and abilities, and reveal to us our own powers and communion with Satan. They assist in meditation, spiritual/psychic empowerment and in the integration of the material with the spiritual, 'As above, so below.' One must have balance in both the material and spiritual aspects of life to become whole. Both the material and the spiritual are essential to each other, as opposed to what the enemy programs preach.
- The Order of The Virtues, also known as 'The Malachim,' and 'the Tarshishim' bestow confidence and fearlessness, and in helping one to get the job done when one's back is against the wall. They assist in magick and help to encourage us.
- The Order of The Principalities influence worldly events, large groups, nations, and world leaders. People in power benefit from the council of these Demons.