The Purpose of the Original Religion of Mankind
The Temple of Zeus is the original and true religion of mankind. In what we refer to as a religion, the aims have to be the following:
- Liberating the human spirit through knowledge & wisdom
- Empowering the human soul through meditation to immortalize the human soul
- Alliance with the Gods to achieve higher states of consciousness, knowledge and understanding
- Emphasis on proper ethics that promote power and life, so existence can thrive
- Promoting the well-being of the individual and the whole of civilization and society, with an aim for the wellbeing of all
- Promoting scientific, intellectual and physical-material advancement alongside sacred spiritual advancement
Currently of course, the aims of “modern religions” are not these but the opposite of all the above. Subservience, slavery, ignorance, canned repetition, fear and mind washing are only some the terrible tactics the modern tools of control that parade as “religions”, are using to enslave the human population.
By joining the Temple of Zeus, one denies all these forms of slavery and does proceed to their liberation, exiting the cave of Plato or the so-called “Matrix”. This path is unique, holy and sacred and is fit for the brave souls that want to find their spiritual and God-like potential within.
The enemy works mention “by their fruit thou shall know them”.
The fruit of the ancient religions were those things listed in the aforementioned points. When we look at the “fruit” of the works and presence of the enemy, we clearly see enslavement, ignorance and weakness as the product of these systems that people erroneously follow. These wither away life, intelligence and human potential and existence.
We have restored the original religion of mankind, with the soundest practices and ethics that lead to deification of the human soul. The goal of our religion is freedom and enlightenment for all the people that follow our path, with no exceptions.
Logic, understanding and wisdom encompass our religion.
Our Gods are not only symbols that help us undertake this path, but active helpers in our success in this path. We know them to love us, communicate with us, and support us all along the way in the path to greatness and evolution that we have embarked upon.
As we discover the truth and walls of limitation from our mind start falling, a newfound consciousness takes place where the veil of ignorance is lifted. Then, we can see the truth and accept our own inner soul power that was given to us by the Gods.
Through this power, humanity is supposed to both advance and develop itself collectively, but also each individual member of it to reach their own “Ithaca” or Godhead. By studying all our knowledge, one will understand everything that is mentioned here clearly.
One will see the Truth and when they do, they can proceed to the next step: becoming a living incarnation of this truth. That is began through the Initiation Rite of the Temple of Zeus.
By the power of the Initiation, we embark upon this journey and we embrace the Gods as our eternal forefathers and guides. We give up the lies of the enemy and embrace the Truth of the Eternal Gods. The Gods on their behalf, do promote us, advance us and empower us to become the greatest versions of ourselves through mastering ourselves.