The Serpent Hissing Breath [Sitkari]
- Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth lightly, but keep a very small space open to inhale.
- Inhale, making a hissing sound. This should occur naturally with your tongue placed lightly on the roof of your mouth. As with all yogic breathing, the inhale should be in three parts—smooth and even: first fill your lower lungs, then middle, and then top, as with the Complete Yogic Breath.
- Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable, and then exhale slowly and evenly through your nose.
The above constitutes one round. Perform 5 - 10 rounds.
Reversed Sitkari Serpent Hissing Breath [From Azazel]
- Slowly breathe in through your nose; you can hold for a count of six or whatever is comfortable for you on each breath, but this is optional.
- Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth lightly, same as with the above hissing breath, and keep a very small space open to exhale. This should not be tight. The exhale should be relaxed and not forced in any way.
- Exhale, making a hissing sound. This should occur naturally with your tongue placed lightly on the roof of your mouth. The exhale should be smooth and relaxed.
The above constitutes one round. Perform 5 - 10 rounds.