The thunders of judgment and wrath are numbered And are harbored In the South. In the likeness of an Oak whose branches are nests Of lamentation and weeping laid up For Jehova and His servants, which burn night and day, And vomit Out the heads of scorpions, And live sulphur mingled with poison. These are the Thunders that roar with a hundred mighty Earthquakes And a thousand times as many surges, Which rest Not, nor know Any echoing time. Here one rock Bringeth forth a thousand Even as the heart of man Does his thoughts. Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Yea Woe! Be to he who sits On the holy throne in heaven! His iniquity is, Was and shall be great. Come away! But not your mighty sounds!
Coraxo chis cormp od chis blans
De babage. Aziazior paeb soba lilonon
Chis virq eophan od raclir maasi
Bagle iad od
noqodi, ds ialpon
Dosig od basgim, od oxex daziz siatris,
Od salbrox cynxir faboan. Vnal chis
Const ds yor eors
vohim gizyax
Od matb cocasg plosi molvi,
Ds page ip, larag om droln
Matorb cocasb. Emna l patralx
Yolci matb
Nomig monons
Olora gnay angelard. Ohio! ohio! ohio!
Ohio! ohio! ohio! noib ohio!
Bolp idoigo madriax! Bagle iad
I, zirop od chiso drilpa. Niiso!
Crip ip micalz apah
koh-RAHK-soh ' kuh-HEES ' KOH-ruh-muhp
OHD ' kuh-HEES ' buh-LAH-nuhs
bah-BAH-jzhay. ' ah-zee-AH-zee-ohr
pah-AYB ' ZOH-bah '
kuh-HEES ' VEE-ruhk ' EE-oh-puh-hahn
OHD ' rah-kuh-LEE-ruh
BAH-guh-lay ' ee-YAHD ' OHD
noh-KOH-dee, ' DAHSS '
DOH-see-jzhuh ' OHD ' BAH-suh-jzheem,
OHD ' ohks-AYKS '
zee-AH-tuh-reess, ' OHD ' Zah-luh-buh-ROHKS
SEE-nuhk-see-ruh '
vuh-NAHL ' kuh-HEES ' KOH-nuh-suht
DAHSS ' ee-YOH-ruh '
voh-HEEM ' JZHEE-zee-ahks ' OHD
MAH-tuhb ' koh-KAH-sah-jzhay
MOH-luh-vee, ' DAHSS ' pah-JZHAY
EEP, ' lah-RAHJZH '
duh-ROH-luhn ' MAH-toh-ruhb
KOH-kuh-suhb. ' AY-muh-nah ' Luh
' ee-OHL-kee
MAH-tuhb ' NOH-meejzh ' moh-NOH-nuhs
oh-LOH-rah '
ah-nuh-GAY-lah-ruhd. ' oh-HEE-oh!
oh-HEE-oh! ' oh-HEE-oh! '
oh-HEE-oh! ' oh-HEE-oh! ' NOH-eeb
oh-HEE-oh! ' BOH-luhp '
mah-duh-REE-ahks! ' BAH-guh-lay
ee-YAHD ' mah-duh-REED ' EE,
ZEE-rohp ' OHD ' kuh-HEES-oh
duh-REE-luh-pah. ' nee-EESS-oh!
kuh-REEP ' EEP ' mee-KAH-luhts ' AH-pah!