The Origins of Our True Religion – World’s Most Ancient Religion

In the Temple of Zeus, we follow and venerate the Original Ancient Gods. From written and “widely adopted” records alone, our Gods have existed for at least 5000 years before “Christianity”.

Ancient Greek civilization spans to 1900 years BCE, Ancient Egyptian Gods to 5000 BCE, Sumerian Gods to 3000 BCE and the Hindu or Indo-Aryan faiths to extend back to 3000 years BCE.

Moving away from the conventional and historically “accepted” timeline, our Gods go all the way back to the Middle Ages or even Atlantis [Civilizations that have existed for 20,000 or 40,000 years in the past].

Plato describes the time of Atlantis, where even back then, the same Gods as we do were worshipped and revered by humanity, all the way back to a calculated 9600 BCE.

That timeline could be far longer; but it is calculated as he transfers the words in Timeaus and Critias [Dialogues of Plato] about the philosopher Solon, who became Initiated in Egypt and was told by the Egyptian record-keeping Priesthood, about the history of Atlantis. By the time of Solon, the history of Atlantis did expand to 9000 years before Solon’s time.

Further, the Ancient Egyptians in the Pyramid texts, do describe that humanity’s original Gods and faith spans all the way to 40,000 years back in time from the present year today.

We predate any form of modern Abrahamic religions by at least many thousands of years. The inconsequential beliefs of the modern religious programs cannot define us. The followers of the Gods have persisted through all these centuries, carrying onward the original and spiritual knowledge that was known to them to be given by the Ancient Gods.

Still, to this very day, that much is true, and this is the case.

Unfortunately, due to the advent of the religions of darkness and slavery, such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, or tenets, practices and Gods have been branded as “Satanic” or “Evil”. This cultural inversion is what had the consequential result of humanity falling slaves to the systems that originate from Hebrew or Jewish roots.

The Temple of Zeus is the true religion of humanity that predated any forms of erroneous claims done by the agents of disarray and chaos that brought for humanity not religion, but shackles for mental and spiritual ignorance.

In our sites, you will find true and wise information about the ancient practices of magick, ethics, meditation and methods on how to spiritually ascend. This knowledge was readily available in the Ancient Past and was the core of the mystical religious practice of the Eternal and True Gods.

By becoming an Initiate and Member of the Temple of Zeus, you are embarking in the journey of evolution, exploration and truth. You will transform yourself and lead a life that is of the Gods, a life with purpose and connection to your origin. Embrace the Truth and defy the lies – for this is the way of the Gods.