Tuning Chakras Through Vibration
Each of our chakras responds to and resonates within a certain pitch. One easy way we can find the right tone is going by feel. When we hit the right tone, we should be able to feel it in the chakra. This will cause the chakra to vibrate and release energy.
Please note: the following vibrations [words of power] have been corrected. The Traditional words in Sanskrit have been corrupted, and their effects were watered down. The vibrations given below are concentrated and exceptionally powerful. Note, as of 28/August/2018, the vibrations for the 4th and 6th chakras have been changed. In addition, because many people have complained in the e-groups that they have trouble sensing through their astral senses; they are not open enough, we are now using these more powerful vibrations to open the soul.
- Base Chakra: Laum, vibrated as LLAHHH-UUU-MMM*
Audio mp3 - Sacral Chakra: Vaum, vibrated as VAHHH-UUU-MMM
Audio mp3 - Solar Plexus '666' Chakra: Raum, vibrated as RAHHH-UUU-MMM**
Audio mp3 - Heart Chakra: Aum, vibrated as AHHH-UUU-MMM
Audio mp3 - Throat Chakra: Haum, vibrated as HAHHH-UUU-MMM
Audio mp3 - Sixth Chakra: Yaum, vibrated as YYAHHH-UUU-MMM
Audio mp3 - Seventh Chakra: Maum, vibrated as MMAHHH-UUU-MMM
Audio mp3
* The U's are pronounced as in the English word 'BLUE'
Below are more vibrations you can use. Whenever meditating, it is best to stick with the same vibration for the duration of the meditation instead of changing these.
- Base Chakra: SHANISWARA, vibrated as SH-AH-NEE-SS-VAH-RR-AH
- Sacral Chakra: BHAUMAYA, vibrated as BB-AHH-UUU-MM-AH-YAH
- Solar Plexus '666' Chakra: SURYAE vibrated as SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY
- Heart Chakra: SHUKRAYA, vibrated as SHH-UUU-KKK-RR-AH-YAH
- Throat Chakra: BUDHAAYA, vibrated as BUU-DD-HAH-AH-YAH
- Sixth Chakra: CHANDRAMASE, vibrated as CH-AH-NN-D-RR-AH-MM-AHSAY
- Seventh Chakra: GURUAVE, vibrated as GG-UUU-RR-UUU- AH-VAY