Twelfth Key

The Twelfth Key in English

O you that reign in heaven
And are 3, the lanterns of sorrow
Bind up your girdles and shall be
As bucklers to the stooping
Followers of Jehova!
That Lord Satan may be magnified;
Whose name amongst you is wrath!
Move therefore and show yourselves!
Open the mysteries of your Creation!
Be friendly unto me!
For I am the servant of the same!
The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer
In glory and power exalted
Of the Kingdom of the South.

The Twelfth Key in Enochian

Nonci ds sonf madriax od chis d, hvbaio tibibp
Allar atraah od trian
Ta lolcis abai Fafen de iad!
Ar Satan ovof; soba dooain
Aai i vonph! Zacare ca od zamran!
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge!
Zir noco! Hoath Satan
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage

Twelfth Key Enochian Pronunciation

NOH-nuh-see   '   DAHSS
ZOH-nuhf   '   mah-duh-REE-ahks
OHD   '   kuh-HEES   '   DAH,
tee-BEE-buhp   '   AH-luh-lahr
ah-tuh-RAH-ah   '   OHD
tuh-REE-ahn   '   TAH
LOH-luh-keez   '   ah-BAH-ee
FAH-fayn   '   DAY   '   ee-YAHD!
AH-ruh   '   SAY-TAN   '   OH-vohf;
ZOH-bah   '   doh-OH-ay-een
ah-AH-ee   '   EE   '   VOH-nuh-puh!
zah-KAH-ray   '   KAH   '   OHD
ZAH-muh-rahn!   '   OH-doh
KEE-kuh-lay   '   KAH-ah!
ZOR-ruh-jzhay!   '   ZEE-ruh
NOH-koh!   '   hoh-AH-tuh-huh
SAY-TAN   '   BUH-vuh-fuhd
LOH-nuh-suh   '   LOH-nuh-doh