When working online, don't waste your time or energies- go for the groups and forums who have the largest audience.
When arguing- use lawyer tactics- question, question, question. Make your opponent give all of the answers. Then take apart
what they say and question some more. If they contradict themselves or reverse themselves- make an issue and throw it in
their face in front of everyone. Make them look more and more discredible and like an ass in front of everyone.
When posting ugly biblical scriptures, it is best to copy and paste the entire page, as this often forces people to read it
instead of giving them an optional link.
Remember- large e-groups and forums have the majority as lurkers. Be strong- the hard core enemy who actually number fewer
in most groups, especially if they are jews, they will scream and attack the loudest. The majority listens. Always try to
have your proof and references handy.
Create junk e-mail accounts. Use them for only a specified time and do the hit, copy and paste. Make sure the groups you
join have open posting. Moderated posts are obviously a waste of time. I have used this tactic with many xian e-groups- copy
a full page of damaging scripture, paste it to the "post" with a title that will attract attention and hit the send button,
doing this many times right in a row, one after the other before the moderator can catch it, if he/she is online.
Anti-Xian tracts can be left in libraries, churches (place them in their hymnals or other prayer books), book stores-
especially in xian materials, in restrooms, on newspaper dispensors, school campuses and libraries, laundromats, xian
library books and bibles, outside xian revivials, hospitals, hospital waiting rooms, newspaper racks, and other functions
and anywhere else you can come up with.