Destruction & War

“War”, Heraclitus said, “Is the father of all things”.

There is an undying war in this world, and we must not refuse it.

As war is not the only lord and master, Mars was in an allegory “detested” by the Gods for only being about mindless war: But when Mars was refused audience on the times of necessary mindful war, so did the foundations of Olympus call him, because the force he represents cannot be denied.

Similarly, in our lives, there is peace and there is war. Our Gods lead us to the most important war of all, and they want us to fight: The war against internal ignorance, darkness, weakness, and decay.

Since the universe is built on both peace and war, any approach to life cannot focus only on either.

Father Satan has dictated to us that there will be a time when negativity will slowly become replaced with positivity in this world, but this time will only arrive when we advance and progress tremendously – and we are very far away from this state.

The arrival there will happen through our War, a necessity for our evolution. The current state of duality in the world is currently a foundation that cannot be denied in this reality.

War can be mitigated and should be avoided. War represents the ultimate and most reckless form of competition; there are other and better forms to manifest this.

Until then, in conjunction with realism and the natural order, war is undeniably yet another aspect of life. It must be accepted, avoided, or even practiced under very necessary circumstances in accordance to Wisdom.

Devoid of Wisdom, the power Ares represents will only be a detestable form of no essence to itself.

We must learn to fight and to even destroy, for only then we can escape from this Ancient brute ruler of life. Through winning the inner war, we avoid external war.



“O Master Beelzebul,

Lead us into Battle,

Forge our hammers and our swords,

With which we will conquer

the Spiritual City of our Souls”