Timing Your Magick with the Planets
Like the Void of Course Moon, there are times when the energies of the universe are working against us. When certain planets retrograde, the planets and what they represent throw contrary energies.
When Mercury is retrograde, workings to acquire knowledge, truth, intellect, pass exams, everything related to the mind, communication, travel, education, literature, electronics, and everything else ruled by Mercury, the odds are greatly against the success of such things. Performing spells/magick related to these things will more than likely result in failure.
When Venus is retrograde, this is not a good time for love, relationships, commitment, artistic pursuits, and so on. Love spells will inevitably fail or result in disaster. Wait until the period passes.
With Mars retrograde, this is not the time to perform spells of revenge or violence/black magick. They can rebound and backfire, as the universe is working in reverse. Spells for bringing peace and harmony, as in one's family, are aided at this time. Wait until the retrograde period is over.
Knowing an enemy's date of birth, you can work black magick with the energies in their charts. Whenever someone has a retrograde Saturn period (we all have this), you can direct the negative energy to your own purposes for revenge. The universe is working against this person during a bad Saturn transit. Saturn retrograding over personal planets, through the first house, or, to a lesser extent, on the progressed planets, is the worst time of one's life. The worst of all is Saturn retrograde on the chart ruler; you can only know this by knowing the birth time.
On the other hand, retrograde Jupiter is a blessing. Jupiter retrograde over a loved or desired one's Venus, same with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto concerning love; a love spell in directing these energies can be most effective.
Retrograde Jupiter over your personal planets; love spells, money/success, promotions, and everything else can come in abundance with the proper direction. Retrograde Jupiter is where we luck out and have opportunities. Taking control of this period and directing the energies will result in our success.
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