Necromancy & Zevist Afterlife - Explained by High Priest Hooded Cobr

Necromancy is the art of communicating with people or beings who have passed away. Popularly, necromancy has been called the communication with the "dead" spirits, but without in many ways giving explanations to the realities of where these spirits that are named "dead," how they exist or how they operate.

The word Necromancy is derived out of the Ancient Greek Nekromantia, which is in turn created out of the union of two words: Nekro, meaning "Dead, departed," and "Mantia" which means "Seer-ing" or the act of doing the practices of "Seers" that involve the dead.

The popularization of negative correlations with Necromancy, are the results of a very low level of understanding on the part of the aspiring "Necromancers" and "occultists." Having worked with many VIP souls of the Gods, regular "deceased" people, elaborating on these practices with care and diligence for closely a decade now, I have come to know this art in depth.

This section will explain further on both the wider notion of "Necromancy" and the Necromantic arts, but also elaborate on the Afterlife, since information cannot be clarified in regards to the "Dead" without concerning the matters of Soul and Spirit.

If there is an art that has been heavily misunderstood, that has to be Necromancy. Even the name of Necromancy sounds, and rightfully so, rather scary and opaque.

Falsehoods of deceitful scenes emerging from thriller movies can be a prevailing factor when one talks about "Necromancy." That one must go to graveyards, or use specific scenery that relates to "death," such as skulls and bones to communicate or create a sense of being related to them. That is in this case only a spectacle and nothing else.

One thing that is accurate from all of these images is that Necromancy is the art of communicating with the dead. Necromancy can be used as "Divination" [Contacting spirits for predictive purposes], or for mere communication [for contacting spirits].

Due to the nature of the universe and the rules involving the dead human beings, calling people from the "dead" for communication should be treated with respect. Pestering other human beings, which are in this state, is false. Additionally, people who engage this practice with a low understanding of it or its importance, will not receive the appropriate results.

Necromancy can be used to communicate with departed spirits, gain information, or knowledge that this person did already possess in their lifetime. There are more uses to Necromancy, involving also spiritual work.

To gain a grasp of what we mean through all this, it's important to understand that we are for the most part talking about human beings that have been deceased in this topic. Among the levels of human beings, most human beings are on the lowest levels of advancement.

Therefore, when these people die, their souls can be unconscious, stuck in astral places [such as haunted houses] yet often times they will be reincarnated by default.

Most people who will get interested in Necromancy, are people who can feel other individuals. Maybe the passing of a relative, or a loved one, can trigger experiences that make a person question the condition of the departed. Many people, even people who don't ascribe any faith to a notion of afterlife, when confronted with death, can have puzzling experiences with the "Dead."

Souls that are stuck on the lower astral plane that can for some not reincarnate, are called "earthbound." Earthbound souls can haunt places, residences, or even be after specific objects. This does not last indefinitely, but it can last quite some time. Earthbound souls can stay here willingly, or non willingly. Cases of family members who wanted to say something before they moved on, victims of abrupt death, those who have been seriously offended, victim of unresolved criminal cases that seek justice, can be sometimes in this category.

Since that is however a very simplified explanation, the famous term of the "Earthbound" is to be more in-depth analysed in another article.

Strong souls and people who are of Zeus, do not get subject to the above fate. Most people too are helped en masse by the Gods, which generally reincarnate the least advanced souls quickly as to not delay them. The average soul requires a lot of lifetimes to reach a proper level of development.

The soul and spirit of a deceased Zevist will be escorted to places of protection, being protected by the Gods. We Zevists are an elite category of souls that have decided that they have a spiritual priority, they are therefore treated in a better way. One is safe in the astral realm when they dedicate their Souls to the Gods.

For the Zevist, the person can be reincarnated, with rules depending on their level of advancement, to continue living and advancing until one reaches the Magnum Opus. The progress towards this endeavour, also highly affects how one will experience their afterlife.

As it should be understood, proceeding towards the Magnum Opus does confer spiritual gifts before material immortality. For this reason, the handful who adhere to the Spiritual Practices, are very well alive.

They can in fact, possess numerous powers and have many abilities like the Daemons, which, albeit not existing here physically, do affect the physical world. In the Ancient Greek language, these people were ranked among the "Demigods" or "Daemons" in extreme levels of advancement.

That is exceedingly rare. One of these examples, which also attained the Magnum Opus, was Asclepius, who was born a mortal man.

These historical cases have been exceedingly rare, therefore, desecration of these terms by deluded individuals should be seen as not only jockery but blasphemy.

Said people that promote falsehoods do indeed pay the price eventually, as contrary to popular belief, not only these false beliefs and practices affect the soul negatively, but they also incur negative attention from the higher entities like the Daemons.

In the case of these individuals, they are not only heavily protected by the Gods, but there are more mysterious ways one exists on this level which clearly are not to be discussed in an introduction topic. They still might have to reincarnate, but their conditions are wholly different in doing so compared to regular humans.

In Zevism, people are incentivized to spiritually advance, not only to improve their mortal life and the so called "afterlife," but to progressively attain what is referred to as "Freedom of Spirit." It should be painstakingly obvious, that most people are not "Free."

Ancient philosophers and advanced Yogis in India, do understand that the soul needs considerable power in order to be "Free." The "Freedom of the soul" is not a given default. It requires meditation. The differences here between the advanced individuals and the non advanced, can be major and it can be not understood by people who have not divulged further in their own spiritual development.

In the Ancient world, Necromantic arts were ruled by the Gods. Namely, Pluto/Hades and Anubis preside over the Necromantic arts, communication with the dead, guiding and protection of the departed. They take in loving and caring consideration the people that depart. At the same time, they exact judgement upon the souls.

There can be no necromancy when there is not at least a considerably advanced level for an individual meditator. Most "psychics" that do "invocations" in seances and so on, can often-times lead clients to delusions and/or prey on them by providing false input. There is no simplicity in this art, and it requires an innate talent but also inner knowledge. This can be achieved by meditation and through the meditative arts.

In regards to ghosts and other similar entities, these also have levels. The skilled Necromancer should be able to deal with any of these spirits. These spirits range from levels such as simple ghosts, which can haunt places and merely exists somewhere. These ghosts might be barely noticeable, but if they are too many, the feelings in a place will be "awry" and rather haunting.

People who have a good sense of sensing their spiritual environment, will easily pick up on these, and sensing these is a prerequisite to advance in Necromancy.

Higher level ghosts which are called "Poltergeists," and even ghosts of hateful people or strong spirits, can even incur minor changes in the material - objects moving, strange sounds, odd events. The existence of these in a place is rare, and if one believes they are being harassed by entities like this, the Gods can fairly easily deal with them.

Generally these entities thrive on certain places where there are strong lingering electromagnetic forces, which we call for lack of a better term as "Haunted" places. Often, graveyards or places of remote location in the wilderness can be said places. Why people can experience these ghosts or even get glimpses of seeing them, can happen more often in these places.

Finally, the dead people are hold in a sacred regard by the Ancient Religions. They have passed on from this world, and with them, their acts and their wrongs or rights. Through the process of reincarnation, people get to live again and get more chances to advance.

For that reason, the aspiring Necromantic adept, must understand that respecting beings is fundamental as it was in the living life, in the nature of the Necromantic practices. Practices communicated in certain "grimoires" or LHP books to engage this with a false mindset.

There are also statements from the enemy to claim that ghosts require coercive methods to be contacted, or that they should be "forced." Most of the time these wouldn't even work, as one does not really possess the knowledge or even the authority to do these things. That is no different like they blasphemed the Daemons based on full blown lies. The enemy shows their nature through this.

The best way to proceed also in this, except in cases of haunted places and the like, is to go through the Gods, specifically - Nepthys and Anubis. Pluto, Anubis and Nepthys have excessive authority over the dead and the deceased.

To explain what a false approach of mindset can occur to, there is a story of a Roman official who was wronged in Ancient Rome. The official, being an advanced soul, couldn't tolerate this abuse that they received, and their dying wish was to become a haunt on the person that wrong them. Long story short, the life of the latter became a living nightmare.

Contrary to the belief that everything on the universe is a coincidence, or that there is no "justice" in it, all the Ancient Civilizations did believe in the existence of the "afterlife" and what this involved for souls. A mistaken notion here is the notion of "Soul's Judgement."

One part of this occult notion has to do with one's chakras, spiritual hygiene, soundness of mind, and how this affects us through our reincarnations. As it should be clear from all Ancient Spiritual systems, an inordinate amount of time and energy was invested in explaining the mysteries of the Afterlife. These teachings were best understood by the initiates of the mysteries.

Contrary to the enemy who preaches all souls will burn in hellfire for the most stupid of offences, the Gods do treat most people with fairness and justice. There is no "eternal hellfire" for the people of the Gods. There is however a notion of permanent soul destruction, which can incur from negligence of the soul.

As we are responsible for our body when we are alive, we are also responsible for our soul. The Gods can help their dedicated people on that regard too, but also provide copious chances and protection to their loved ones. Anubis is known to escort the Souls of family members or loved people of Zevists, including of course pet animals and what souls one holds dear.

There is no notion of inescapable justice in the Ancient Religions, but there is also no notion that human beings must be getting punished ad nauseum in a hellfire, for literally nothing but adverse thoughts to an odious program either.

The above, as it should be obvious, is not a reflection of justice, but of a mentality of being sick and hateful beyond imagination. In the Bible, if it's read letter to letter, every person is a "sinner" and they will roast in fire for all eternity. Needless to say, that is one of the highest attacks against the Ancient Spiritual culture, and is the falsehood of falsehoods.

It's certainly not fair to condemn people into any eternal hellfire over thinking for themselves or having "sinful thoughts." These are not the actions of "God" either. That should be clear to any sensible and thinking person, yet the enemy's programs are hoaxes and frauds which do not represent the Gods or anything spiritual. The enemy's teachings represent only lies and control through fear.

Through these falsehoods, the natural fear of death has increased exponentially, but also we have had a rise in people behaving negatively in their lives, due to absence of belief in an afterlife altogether.

Zevism is about dispelling fear that is based on ignorance, replacing ignorance with knowledge.

- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666