Dedication to Truth [Satya], Zeus & The Original Gods
From the Pyramid of King Unas, Pyramid Texts
“I ascend to the sky among the imperishable stars… I am transformed like the gods, my soul is divine.”
CH I, “Poimandres”, Corpus Hermeticum
“You must strip yourself of the garments of ignorance and become a child of the divine mind. Then you will see with the eye of the heart.”
The Pythagorean Oath, as preserved by Iamblichus in The Life of Pythagoras (Chapter 18)
“By that pure, holy, fourfold root of nature eternal, I swear!”
Dr. Faustus (from Medieval perceptions about Initiation to the Gods)
“Had I as many souls as there be stars, I'd give them all for Mephistopheles!”
Our God looks out for His own. Our God gives us an inner strength, and we become very strong in spirit. Unlike right hand path religions, where adherents are forever praying and searching for their god, our Gods come to us on their own. Many times, we can feel him. He comes to guide us when we get down, worried, or are experiencing problems.
In the Ancient World, our Gods have went by many names. Only recently, the enemy has made sure to strike fear into the hearts of the people by attempting to correlate the Gods with evil beings or entities. That is false.
We know and recognize fully that whom the enemy called “Satan” is nothing else but the Original God of Mankind. Our God protects, guides and elevates humanity.
He snaps us into line and directs us as to what we need to do to be focused and happy.
The foundation of The Temple of Zeus is in our finishing of God's work upon humanity. This is the goal of the Godhead and is accomplished through power meditation.
Humanity is currently on a very low level spiritually. When we begin to meditate, we experience profound positive changes within our lives. The Original Gods who were called recently by the enemy as “Satan and his Demons” protect us and look out for us as we transform and achieve personal power. With our God, we have protection that outsiders do not have. We can advance in the powers of the mind and soul as far as we wish. For outsiders, this can prove dangerous.
Our Head God also gives us knowledge. "I lead to the straight path without a book."
As we transform and grow, our lives change for the better, and we are much happier. We learn through Satan how to take control of our own lives and destiny instead of being at the mercy of fate. We learn to heal ourselves and fulfill our desires using the powers of our mind and soul.
In making a commitment, we engage in a formal ritual. This is done out of free will. We are making a choice, as opposed to being dragged off to some Christian church and reciting canned prayers (stolen and corrupted from Eastern mantras) in front of a bunch of idiots.
With knowledge and research, we can prove beyond all doubt that the Nazarene, "Jehova", “Allah”, and ilk are all fictitious characters, stolen from and corrupted concepts to remove all spiritual knowledge so that a "chosen" few can rule the world using powers of the mind and soul. For further information, please visit &
If you are leaving the lie of Islam, then you can replace the words with "Mohammed" and "Allah" in the dedication Ritual. The renouncing can be against Islam. The lie of Islam is equally dangerous and based on complete hoaxes. Knowledge liberates the mind; one has to be free to walk towards knowledge.
Because so many have been forcefully indoctrinated with these characters and what they stand for (Enemies of the Gods), we renounce them permanently in the dedication ritual. This proves to be psychologically healthy and liberating and is a test of bravery. One has to proceed with bravery to know the Truth.
For more information, refer to these Articles:
The original meaning of the name Satan is “Eternal Truth” from Sanskrit In Ancient Greek, the Name is related to the resurrection of the human soul from its fallen slumber.
Lucifer, on the other hand, means Bringer of Light, the Light necessary for the Initiate to become Enlightened, spiritually powerful, and wise.
As Father Satan is the symbol of Eternal Truth, one dedicates to the highest virtue in the Universe there is, the real God.
Satan is only a negative when it comes to Abrahamic Programs, which seek to sever humanity from the above abilities. In their context, which is false and deceiving, they claim that "Satan is Evil". Yet, that is fully erroneous.
Our True God takes His children and disciples and guides them to the Godhead, with the help of the other Ancient Gods who have guided humanity since our inception.
NO! There is no such thing in The Temple of Zeus. This is the exact opposite of what the enemy states. You are not selling your soul, and nothing negative will happen as a result of this Ritual.
On the contrary, only positive things will happen to you from the Dedication Rite. You are indeed re-joining the Gods to claim again your soul, your spiritual power, and your destiny to the Godhead, which was stolen from you via the falsehood of the enemy.
Christians and Muslims do not have any semblance of what a soul is, or if they have any. They lied about the “sale of souls”, just like everything else they have lied about. Through the Divine Sacrament, we embark on the path to regain the powers of their soul, awaken it, and grow it so they can achieve the Magnum Opus and Spiritual power, freedom, and elevation.
Refer to the endless wealth of information in Ancient-Forums and Library of Thoth for knowing more about them, and read the Temple of Zeus website fully.
Now, you are a Dedicated Initiate of the Gods. You have passed the Gates of Initiation.
Here are 10 directions for you to start growing in Spiritual Satanism:
- Accept the fact that you are now an Initiate of the Gods and a member of their spiritual and material family and Community.
- Start Meditation and Spiritual Advancement.
- Leave behind all previous false conceptions about the Gods and all enemy lies—your mind must be cleared.
- Stay persistent in the Path. In order to unlock the benefits of this Path, you must be persistent in your Meditations and Learning.
- Respect your life and existence, and seek to advance spiritually and materially in every way. Spiritual Satanism is about Life and improving your existence.
- Educate yourself about the Spiritual Ethics of Our Gods so you increase your personal power and wisdom.
- Know that you are walking the Eternal Path of the Gods and our Ancestors with utmost certainty.
- Pray to the Gods to guide you along the path, in your own personal way and in accordance with your tolerance; pressing prayers, enforced praying, or other forced practices are not part of Spiritual Satanism. One can connect to the Gods on their own accord.
- Understand that the process of your transformation is a joyous and beautiful journey that will take time. There is no rush.
- Study about the Gods and engage in the Community with other Spiritual Satanists. Click here to visit the forums.
Have faith in the Gods and enjoy your spiritual journey!
Can I perform the ritual more than once?
Answer: NO! Our rituals are real and binding. The ritual should only be done ONE TIME!
I performed the ritual. I could barely get any blood on the paper. Is the ritual still valid?
YES!! The amount of blood does not matter, this is only a formality. What is in our hearts and our intentions are much more important than the amount of blood in our signature. Do NOT worry if the Ritual did not go perfectly; you have been accepted!
Can I reverse the ritual at a later date?
Our rituals, unlike the rituals in other religions, are real and permanent. I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual, and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push Himself on anyone.
Christians are deceived. They believe their 'God' to be 'loving' and 'forgiving.' In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us, and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him; he simply leaves, and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy.
These people wrote to me because, after several months, they were begging for Satan to take them back. The enemy did absolutely nothing for them. All were extremely regretful they ever left and very desperate to come back.
I am underage, and my parents would cause me serious problems if they ever caught me doing a ritual.
If there is absolutely no way you can perform the ritual without placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your astral temple. [For more information, click here.]
You can do the above ritual when you are older. Performing the dedication on the astral is every bit as valid as doing it physically. Satan is very understanding concerning teens who are forced into accepting Christianity while living at home and being underage.
I am underage, living in a Christian home, and my parents force me to go to church and participate in Christian sacraments. Can I still do the dedication? Will Satan be angry with me?
Yes, you can still perform the ritual. Satan understands. As long as you are loyal to him in your heart, he will not be angry with you. Those of you under 18 are not free. There is no need to reveal your allegiance to Satan to anyone. What is in your heart is more important than anything else. Satan advises us in the Al-Jilwah not to reveal our religion to outsiders if it will cause us harm in any way; this is especially important for teens. Just renounce the Christian 'God' in your mind if you are forced to participate in any of his garbage. Satan understands it can be downright dangerous and, in some cases, even life-threatening for teens living in Christian homes to reveal their allegiance to him.
The initiation ritual is very personal, unless you decide to have friends participate, or are doing it as part of a group. You can pick any date to do this Ritual. Make sure to bathe before the Initiation Ritual, as this shows respect.
You will need:
- 1 or more black, blue, or red candles (as many as you like - candle color is not an absolute necessity)
- A sterilized needle or razor
- A piece of clean paper, large enough to write the prayer below
Do not worry if the Ritual does not go perfectly or fully as planned; the Gods will still accept you. The Ritual is symbolic and a rite of passage.
In Front of the Ancient & Eternal Gods, before the almighty and ineffable God of Truth, whose Name means Eternal Truth, and in the presence of all Gods & Daemons of the Underworld and Heavenly Realms, who are the True and Original Gods,
In the Name of the Eternal Truth, Satya in the Sanskrit tongue, I recognize that from now on I will leave falsehood behind and become an Initiate of the Ancient Original Gods and of the Eternal Cosmic Truth.
I, (write your full name), renounce any and all past allegiances to false Gods of Abrahamism. Every tie to false Gods has now been severed between me and them, now and for all time to come.
I renounce the false Judeo-Christian god Jehova, I renounce his the hoax and falsehood of Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, and false, claimed holy spirit and all the weakness and confusion it brings with it.
I renounce the contexts of the enemy and I have no fear. I know the Truth and have studied it fully and I want to know more of it; I recognize that they called Him by many negative names to make me fear and to distance me from the Gods.
By that sacrament, I prove that I have conquered the fear of Truth.
I, now and forever, do proclaim the Divine Being, who has went by many names in history among the cultures, recent or ancient, Dyeus Pater, Zeus, or known by his enemies as Satan. I shall approve of Him in every form and every identity as my True God.
Blessed be He in all His Names and Attributes in the history of Mankind, I return to the Original Creator.
Blessed be His Holy Names in True Cultures, as my One and Only God. Abandonned be His Names that desecrated Him. I belong now in familiar bond with the original Gods.
I promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors, physical or spiritual.
May my adherence, love, and fellowship be accepted in front of the Gods in All Domains, Spiritual and Material.
Henceforth, in Front of my Gods, I am a Son/Daughter and Initiated follower of the Ancient & Original Gods.
And henceforth, I belong in their spiritual Family, now and forever.
I shall stand strongly and decidedly in the Eternal Path of Satya, The Eternal Truth of the Eternal Consciousness. May this Path be my Path to the Godhead.
Great Gods and Goddesses, Accept me in all Your Names, admit me in your Mysteries!
I, [write your name again], am now your Initiate.
After the above is written, when you are ready, you can light the candle. Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, and squeeze some blood out.
Sign your name in blood, where your Name must go.
Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head.
Fold the paper and let it burn in the fire of the candle. Many of us have stayed and meditated until the candle burned itself out.
At the end of the ritual, close with the words "So mote it be." and a big "HAIL SATYA!!"