The Temple Of Zeus

The Temple of Zeus is the Ancient and Original religion of humanity.

In the limited and programmed minds of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, belief in and reverence for the Ancient Gods is equated with being a "Satanist." However, this label is empty and does not reflect the original truth of who we are. For our perspective on this topic, Click here.

To challenge them and show that we will follow the Gods regardless of their false labels, in the past, we called ourselves "Spiritual Satanists" - a title rooted in the knowledge that Satya means Eternal Truth in Sanskrit.

Upon our inception in 2002, we reasoned that since they choose to incessantly lie about everything, we would confront them directly. If they insist on calling us "Satanic," then we might as well embrace the title and prove that we will continue believing in the Ancient Gods despite their labeling. We disregard their labels.

Regardless of the enemy’s claims, the Ancient Gods were never evil, dark, or negative. On the contrary, they are benevolent and have been worshipped for over 40,000 years throughout human history. It was only with the advent of Abrahamic monotheism that all other Gods were falsely declared "evil"—a falsehood that knows no bounds.

To erase our religious knowledge from the earth, the enemy branded us as "Satanic" to misrepresent the faith of the Original Gods to the general public. Zealots were then guided to attack what was deemed "evil"—the cultures of their ancestors—replacing them through deception with Abrahamic hoaxes.

Our beliefs have always differed from the traditional notion of Satanism popularized by Hollywood and propaganda, such as LaVeyan Satanism. Due to a lack of knowledge and the enemy’s control over the narrative, for decades, people knew no better than to associate the Ancient Gods with "Satanic monsters," "idols," or "false gods."

Labels like these were used by the enemy to control the narrative about followers of the Ancient Gods. We acknowledge the existence of Satan/Lucifer as an actual being; however, the identity of our God predates any claims made by the Abrahamic hoaxes. We are not atheists. We are not "idolaters." We are not "heretics," despite the many labels forced upon us.

Despite major discrepancies, the Church of Satan—founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey—takes an atheistic stance on external deities and views Satan merely as an "archetype." This was done in an attempt to control the resurgence of interest in the Ancient Gods and to ridicule them through the perceptions of Anton LaVey, who was himself Jewish.

In light of new knowledge based on hundreds of hours of intense, in-depth research, we have discovered the following:

The being presently called "Satan" is, in fact, the Head God of the ancient, eternal pantheons that predated Christianity, Islam, and Judaism by thousands of years. He is our True Creator God, and the name "Satan" is not evil but has been falsely associated with evil for deceptive reasons within the Abrahamic context. We reject this false narrative. Instead, we embrace the Ancient Sanskrit understanding of this deity and the Original Gods, who were followed by humanity for millennia.

"YHVH," otherwise known as "Jehovah" by the deluded, is a false entity. In popular Jewish magical systems available to the public, "YHVH" represents the four elements and cardinal directions.

The character of "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was derived from over 18 Pagan legends featuring a God hanging from a tree—such as Odin—before undergoing resurrection. This concept symbolizes the alchemical process of death, transformation, and rebirth of the soul.

The Nazarene has never been anything more than a tool to suppress true spiritual knowledge and strip humanity of its spiritual power. As a result, humanity has paid the price—trillions upon trillions of dollars, along with sickness, misery, and suffering—due to the loss of this knowledge.

Spiritual knowledge was systematically destroyed, twisted, and corrupted to SPIRITUALLY AND FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE US ALL. By force-feeding the populace the belief that the Nazarene is a real entity, those at the top have maintained control and amassed untold wealth and influence.

Our core religion predates Christianity by thousands of years and is rooted in the ancient Hellenic, Egyptian, Sumerian, Hindu, and Norse [“Pagan”] spiritual Mysteries. It is centered on the total transformation of the soul.

Christians are deceived into "accepting Jesus Christ" and "living saved," which is all false. Everything in the Christian religion is a fabrication, and we prove this beyond all doubt. The Christian "salvation" hoax is based on stolen and corrupted knowledge of alchemy, which originally taught the true path to spiritual transformation and godhood.

Recent denominations that follow the Gods through the lens of Jewish cultural perception, often referred to as "Traditional Satanists," also worship Satan/Lucifer. Modern-day Pagans likewise worship the Ancient Gods, whom brainwashed Christians label as "Satanic" and "Demonic."

Some followers of the Gods regard our God as a friend rather than an object of worship. While we respect individuality and personal choice, we recommend a stance of high reverence and respect toward the Gods, as honoring them in this way reflects self-respect. One’s relationship with the Great God is a personal matter, as the Gods value free thought and individuality.

Satan is depicted as the bringer of knowledge in the works of the enemy. Lucifer, on the other hand, means the Bringer of Light or enlightenment for humanity. The goal of our faith is to apply this knowledge and transform our souls into the Godhead, as was originally intended by our Creator God. Even in the narratives of the enemy, Satan is the hero who wages battle against indoctrination, slavery, and the control of the mind and soul. The symbolism, even within enemy cultures, reveals one truth: whatever they call "Satanic" is, in fact, good, proper, and moral.

Unlike most religions, our faith encourages one to question everything. Striving to be one’s personal best and surpassing limitations are at the core of our belief, and this begins with using one’s intellect to its maximum potential. We do not, in any way, conflict with science. On the contrary, we strongly encourage and support all scientific knowledge and inquiry.

We are well aware that humanity remains dangerously behind in scientific knowledge and understanding due to centuries of oppression by Christianity. We believe that all spiritual and paranormal phenomena can be explained scientifically and rationally; however, scientific knowledge has not yet advanced enough to fully comprehend or define much of what is labeled as "supernatural."

In our religion, there are no mediators for forgiving your "sins." We strongly encourage our people to engage directly with our Head God and the Gods themselves. The ministry exists solely for guidance and support, helping to lead individuals along the path and assisting them in achieving enlightenment. One’s relationship with the Gods is a deeply personal matter, solely between the individual and our God. We uphold the principle of "responsibility to the responsible."

We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and strive to make all knowledge accessible to everyone—not just a self-appointed "elite," as seen in other religions. Our God encourages self-study, learning, and direct experience.

To embark on the journey to spiritual enlightenment, one must undergo a formal rite of Initiation to the Gods. This commitment is crucial, as our Gods protect us while we work to advance our spiritual powers. Those who attempt to progress alone, without any spiritual protection, often meet with disaster. Once a commitment is made, the Daemons frequently guide and assist us in our advancement. Unlike right-hand path religions, we emphasize action—our Gods encourage their followers to live life to the fullest and to evolve.

Our Gods are always there for us, but as we progress, they expect us to take responsibility and handle challenges ourselves, using the spiritual abilities we develop through power meditation. Christianity and its counterparts deliberately make cripples out of people, keeping them dependent forever. Christians incessantly rave about how their Nazarene has healed people, yet they remain spiritual slaves because they are never taught—nor expected—to heal themselves or others.

The Nazarene archetype represents slavery, servitude, and the acceptance of endless abuse, conditioning humanity to become the perfect slaves for a new world order. It places total emphasis on the "afterlife," fostering the belief that our current life is insignificant. This mindset is crucial for ensuring people endure all forms of suffering for the benefit of a select few.

"It has served us well, this myth of Christ."
-Pope Leo X [1475-1521]

As for the so-called "miracles" associated with Christianity, genuine healings have been rare and sporadic. These so-called miracles are often allegories related to the transformation of one's soul. Any individual with spiritual knowledge and power can achieve all the feats attributed to the Nazarene in the Bible—and more.

Most Christians remain unaware that they are engaging with deceptive extraterrestrial beings—often referred to as "angels" or another ET race known as the Greys—who stage occasional displays to reinforce the illusion of divine intervention. Likewise, many New Age practitioners call upon angels for assistance yet gain no real knowledge or empowerment. The same theme of human ignorance and powerlessness persists.

Satan/Lucifer is the True Creator God and the great liberator of humanity. He does not fear humans attaining spiritual power and knowledge, for he is truthful and has nothing to hide.

Our Gods give us the knowledge to become independent and free. They guide us to be masters of our own lives and destinies. Satan and his Demons are always present to assist us when we encounter challenges beyond our current abilities.

Our God keeps his promises—he is consistent and loving toward his own. He stands for freedom, strength, power, and justice. He teaches us that it is NOT acceptable to endure abuse and that we are deserving of pleasure, happiness, and a better life. He created us through genetic engineering, much like modern scientists create clones and manipulate genetics—but on a far more advanced level.

Many people disregard so-called "occult" power, either failing to take it seriously or remaining completely ignorant of its existence. In reality, occult power has been in the hands of a select few for centuries. Christianity has served as a tool to strip this knowledge from the masses. Once this knowledge was removed, a fabricated history was created to prevent people from discovering the truth. Those who do not understand or are unfamiliar with these abilities are at the mercy of those who possess and skillfully wield them. Thousands of years ago, in Ancient Egypt, this power was commonplace, and most people knew how to use it.

With the rise of Judeo-Christianity and Islam, knowledge was systematically destroyed wherever it was found. Everything was rebranded, and through cultural inversion, the Ancient Gods were suddenly cast as "dark monsters."

Cities, libraries, and other sources of knowledge were systematically destroyed in an attempt to erase all traces of the Original Gods—who are extraterrestrial and spiritual beings—and the powers of the human soul. The Gods who once interacted with, intermarried with, or befriended humanity were cursed and banished. Ancient cultures openly acknowledged that humanity is the handiwork of these Gods, known in Sumeria as the Anunnaki.

Cut off from our True Creator God, humanity has since undergone spiritual and intellectual decline. The abuse of children and animals, the careless destruction of the environment, and the general disregard for the Earth and other living beings are all symptoms of this degeneration. Thousands of years ago, long before the rise of Judeo-Christianity, humans lived alongside the Gods in what was known as the "Golden Age."

The being who has recently been slandered and given vicious names — Satan — is the Sumerian God known as "EA" or "ENKI." Across various regional cultures, he has been known by many titles and names, all of which ultimately describe the True God.

He is a GOD, not an angel! He has been denigrated and slandered throughout the centuries with falsehoods and lies. Most people know little to nothing about the Gods and simply believe what they are told without question. Fear has been a powerful tool used for centuries to keep humanity away from Satan.

Zeus—also known as Deyus Pater, and later misrepresented as "Satan," "Devil," and "Lucifer" in the works of the Jews—is the most brilliant and powerful of the Gods.

Satan/Enki/Zeus established the Ancient Egyptian Order of the Serpent, also known as "The Brotherhood of the Snake," along with numerous other Ancient Schools that promoted and taught occult knowledge to humanity.

Over the millennia, the original teachings have been corrupted and no longer resemble their true doctrines. This Order was established to bring humanity godly knowledge and power, guiding us toward the Great Work of soul transformation. However, this knowledge has been hoarded by a select few and misused to the detriment of humanity under the influence of the enemy gods.

We are told that if given such power, we would inevitably abuse it—yet this is another deception spread by those who themselves wield these forces for nefarious ends under the direction of the enemy extraterrestrials, masquerading as "Jehovah" and his cohorts. Were this knowledge made accessible to all, those in control would lose their grip on power.

The Gods are an extraterrestrial humanoid race. In the Christian Bible, they are referred to as the "Nephilim." These highly advanced beings possess immense knowledge and power. By genetically modifying their DNA, they have eliminated aging. Many of the Gods, including the Nephilim, fathered children with human mothers. These offspring, known as "Demi-Gods," were honored and revered throughout ancient history. Through meditation, one can awaken these hidden powers within and reclaim their divine potential.

Even in the enemy’s narrative, our God—symbolized as Satan—is depicted as being immensely strong, brilliant, and powerful. He never admitted defeat, standing against impossible odds for the sake of Truth and Freedom. While the enemy falsely claims that "Satan lost the battle," the war is far from over. Humanity may have temporarily fallen into spiritual ignorance, but it will awaken once more, restoring the Golden Age of Gods and Men. OUR GOD STANDS FOR FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY!


Yes, they interact with their disciples and followers through astral sight and internal vision. Many of us have seen our God and the Gods; we have witnessed the so-called supernatural and have been given abilities far beyond those of the average person. When we ask, we receive answers. Unlike other religions, where followers must search for their gods, Our Gods come to us, guiding and making their presence known.

Demons, contrary to Christian lies, are friends of humanity. The origin of the word "Demon" comes from Ancient Greek, meaning "God" or "Guiding Divine Spirit." Demons, who are the Original Gods, give us much individual attention and protection once a strong and trusted relationship is established. When we are close to and under the protection of our God and the Truth, he grants us good Daemons to work with and guide us. Their sigils contain significant alchemical symbols related to the opening of the soul. Alchemy serves as a coded system of knowledge for initiates, revealing deep spiritual mysteries.

The figure of our Ancient God Zeus was transfigured into "Satan" and later misrepresented as the "bringer of evil." This stands as one of the greatest historical insults to the Original Gods. He is neither "evil" nor responsible for the multitude of illnesses, diseases, or other afflictions that plague humanity. These hardships stem from the removal and destruction of ancient knowledge, which was replaced by Christian doctrines.

We stand for the balance of spirituality and technology. Without this balance, civilizations inevitably collapse.

"Hell" is not a burning lake of fire and does not exist as described in Christian doctrine. It is not located inside the Earth, as some misguided Christians claim in order to frighten people. The Christian concept of Hell is absurd.

Some of us, who are close to the Gods, have seen beyond this reality and share similar experiences. Astral dimensions and other worlds exist, but they are not inherently negative. The Spirit World and the afterlife are thoroughly explained in the Ancient Religions, and the idea of torment or "Hell" is a graphic fabrication designed to create fear and discourage spiritual exploration.

The so-called "Hell" or "Underworld" is a parallel dimension, known in Ancient Greece as the realm of Hades and in Egypt as Du'at. This is where the Gods watch over their people until they reincarnate and continue evolving toward godhood.

"Hell" and the "Lower World" are allegories for the three lower chakras, with "Hell" representing the base chakra. This is because the fiery Kundalini serpent lies coiled beneath the base chakra, and when awakened, it can feel scorching hot.

Contrary to hysterical Christian claims, the Original Religions never involved any blood sacrifice. In contrast, all kinds of murder and living blood sacrifices can be found throughout the Judeo-Christian Bible. The serpent or snake, which symbolizes the Kundalini energy coiled at the base of the spine, also represents DNA and the essence of life. When this force is activated, it leads to healing and enlightenment. The serpent is also a traditional symbol of healing and medicine.

For those struggling with Christian indoctrination or its control, I encourage you to read the information provided in these web pages:

Additional Sermons: