Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities
The Temple of Zeus is the full restoration of the original religion of mankind. We have gone through many stages of research, evolution, and defiance of widely held social conceptions and direct experiential knowledge to arrive at the ultimate core of all spiritual truth and of all Ancient Religions.
All Ancient Religions, whether those of the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians, Norse, Asians, Babylonians, or Hindus, are known in Abrahamic programs as “Works of the Devil” and for worshipping “Satan.” They want to hide the Truth of the Gods behind a wall of fear, ignorance, and a slave-like mentality.
After all, everything that did not conform to the Abrahamic systems was actually called “Satanic” since the inception of these enemy programs, which only seek to stifle human spirituality, knowledge, wisdom, life, and potential.
We seek to promote the Truth: Life, wisdom, spirituality, knowledge, and ultimate potential for mankind.
It is not inaccurate for these enemy programs to call us "Satanic," as all ancient and true knowledge of the Gods does indeed originate from the same source: the original pre-Christian Gods, who were later falsely branded as "Evil Satanic Demons."
Therefore, for one to see the truth, they must be ready to accept that indeed, one has to defy this labeling and proceed with knowing the truth.
Furthermore, the deeper one researches, the more they will discover another reality—the Original and True Gods of all these Ancient Religions do in fact overlap in their roles, abilities, powers, and hierarchical structure and are merely adapted to each regional culture.
Fundamentally, the same Gods were worshipped under different names on the surface, while their primary and original essence remained the same. This is at the core of our beliefs and teachings in the Temple of Zeus.
Our Head God is Zeus, who is widely recognized as the chief deity of most pantheons in human history. His ultimate power, truthful authority, and edicts of justice are universally acknowledged.
Our Head God has gone by many names over the aeons: Zeus in the Ancient Hellenic language, Indra in Hinduism, Amun or Atum in Ancient Egypt, Jupiter in Roman mythology, Baal or Baal-Zebul in Phoenician religions, Hadad or Marduk in Babylon, Perun in Slavic religions, Thor in Ancient Norse traditions, Beli Mawr in the Celtic pantheon, Dyeus Pater in the reconstructed Indo-Aryan language, alongside Shango or Nzazi in Africa, Tlaloc or Viracocha among Native American cultures, Shangdi in Chinese religion, and Raijin in Shintoism.
The Names of Zeus in the Aeons
Most of these names have a history predating Christianity, Islam, and Judaism by at least 2,000 to 10,000 years, or more. The name of Zeus is a holy and most powerful name—the foundation of creation itself. When this concept is understood, it becomes clear why Zeus, or Deyus Pater in the Indo-European tongue, has always been the Original Father of Humanity.Most of these names have a history predating Christianity, Islam, and Judaism by at least 2,000 to 10,000 years, or more. The name of Zeus is a holy and most powerful name—the foundation of creation itself. When this concept is understood, it becomes clear why Zeus, or Deyus Pater in the Indo-European tongue, has always been the Original Father of Humanity.
All people on the planet originally worshipped the "One Father" or "Dyeus Pater" as their original God. Even cultures that never came into direct contact openly recognized Him as the supreme force of the universe. Long before the inception of the Abrahamic programs of subversion, He was always there and still is to this very day.
Alongside the original Head God, all the other Gods of the Gentiles were also labeled as "Demons" and systematically removed from the knowledge of mankind.
The Gods passed down systems of knowledge and meditation to mankind to empower their souls, setting humanity on a righteous path. The era in which this occurred is the source of all Golden Age mythology found in Ancient Religions, lasting tens of thousands of years. However, malicious interventions by subversive forces brought this to an end.
Humanity was severed from spiritual knowledge and understanding, while the evil and resentful minority of Abrahamic anti-theists imposed their rule through violence, bloodshed, and historical erasure, until no record of the Gods remained.
As these programs of darkness disconnected humanity from the True Gods, we entered an age of ignorance and slavery where illumination reached its lowest point in mankind’s recorded history.
Yet, they failed. Our God is still here, and so are all the Gods—immediately and readily accessible, welcoming mankind with open arms to embark once again on the journey of advancement, life, and self-deification.
In the context of the Abrahamic programs that seek to deceive and misguide humanity, this supreme and ultimate being was slandered with many titles and names—"Satan," "Beelzebul," "Lucifer," and "Devil"—and was forcibly displaced into the role of an "evil antagonist" so that humanity would be terrified of joining the Ancient Gods and remain deceived.
None of the names they have used for our Head God are coincidental either. The more we evaluate the original meanings of these names, the more we find only good and truthful aspects within them—but one must look beyond the surface to see this. For example:
- "Satan": Originating from the word Satya, in Sanskrit, meaning Eternal Truth.
- Beelzebul: The actual Mesopotamian name for Zeus.
- Lucifer: Meaning “He who brings the Light,” the bringer of Enlightenment.
- Devil: From the Ancient Sanskrit word “Devi,” meaning God.
Consequently, the enemy makes their attacks against the Head God and the Truth readily visible in their own writings and literary abominations.
In the works of the enemy, they explicitly admit that "Satan’s throne is in Pergamum." (Revelation 2:13 (KJV))
“I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”
The ancient city of Pergamum in Asia Minor was home to one of the largest temples dedicated to our God, Zeus, who is directly called "Satan" in the Bible. It does not take much to understand that this vilification of Satan is, in reality, a vilification of the Ancient Head God of Mankind and the Ancient Religion—later labeled "Satanism" in the Judeo-Christian context.
As we investigate further, we find that the name "Satan" has many hidden etymological meanings, all of which are positive and predate any Abrahamic context.
The reason for its demonization was an unsuccessful attempt to censor and pervert the truth, to bury the Ancient Gods under the ruins of lies, and to dissuade people from seeking the Truth by instilling fear-based associations.
Therefore, as one studies and understands the core truth, there is no going back.
We, in the Temple of Zeus, do indeed believe in Zeus, the Ancient and Original God, as well as in Satya, the concept of Eternal Truth—which was later called "evil" by the enemy and demonized under the Name of Satan.
The All-Father, regardless of how anyone might seek to call Him—whether deceived foe or enlightened follower—is always the same underlying true God of the Universe, never to be moved, changed, or replaced. Cultural definitions of His enemies do not matter; only the Truth does.
He is eternally present, holding the power of the entire universe in His hands. It is up to us to approach the Ancient Gods in order to elevate ourselves to a higher level of spirituality, wisdom, and power.
We define ourselves clearly and proudly as followers of the Supreme Being.
As far as we are concerned, we believe in, revere, and emulate the All-Father Zeus, the Ancient Gods, and Satya [The Eternal and Unchanging notion of the Cosmic Truth].
Studying the links below will fully clarify our beliefs and show you the Truth, so that you can embark on the journey of reconnecting with the Ancient Gods and achieving the Godhead, the Original Goal of Mankind.